A Serious Problem for Many Women & Its Solution
What is Urinary Incontinence in Women?
It is not uncommon for some ladies to adapt their lifestyle to hide their embarrassment due to the worry of smell and the stigma of having bad hygiene. Often starting even as early as age thirty, it will almost certainly increase with age, but not always with the same stigmas.
But today, with exponential advances in technology and the introduction of the revolutionary TESLA Chair, we are able to help women completely overcome their problem, allowing them to rediscover the simple pleasures of an uncomplicated life again.
Until recently, women with urinary incontinence were advised to develop the vaginal muscles with pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises, increase walking and undertake exercise such as Pilates which strengthens this region of the body. Many ladies find doing thirty Kegel exercises a day or more quite difficult and if even if you managed to do this every day for three months you would have only performed 2,700 exercises and any appreciable difference in your pelvic strength would be quite small.
Amazingly, the TESLA Chair, enables you to perform up to 28,500 pelvic floor exercises in just-30 minutes while sitting in it – fully clothed and, without breaking sweat! Delivering a superior treatment in a fraction of the time, pain free in a relaxed environment.
What Can Cause Urinary Incontinence?
Urinary incontinence can be caused by a number of factors including hereditary and congenital weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. Other causes include giving birth to several children, a smoking habit, obesity, and an unhealthy diet. If a number of these factors are combined urinary incontinence may occur at a younger age than is the norm.
Normal Bladder Function
If your bladder is working normally, the urethra stays contracted and closed until you are ready to wee.
Symptoms vary according to the types of urinary incontinence. Although there are many types of urinary incontinence in terms of its causes, the most common types are as follows.
Stress Urinary Incontinence.
Stress refers to physical rather than psychological stress. The most common forms include coughing, sneezing, straining and heavy lifting, which increases intra-abdominal pressure. It is a type of incontinence that occurs with the deterioration of the functioning between the bladder and the urethra. Generally, there is sagging in the uterus and urinary bladder.
Urethra is too weak to stay closed during increased intra-abdominal pressure.
Urge Incontinence (Overactive bladder)
Women in this group find that urinary incontinence develops suddenly when the bladder is full or empty and before they can reach the loo. Even the sound of water running can trigger it off, washing dishes, pouring cold drinks. Some find it happens simply when thinking about sex.
Bladder muscle contracts before you are ready to void.
Urge incontinence can happen at any time, even during sleep, from a little drip to an embarrassing flow. You may have very little fluid in the bladder, but the urge to go to the loo is still there. The problem is very common in women who have developed a habit of going to the toilet frequently or conversely ladies who have deliberately held their wee in. In both cases, the bladder becomes involuntary and the more frequent need to go occurs.
Urinary incontinence caused by this problem, is completely different from stress incontinence. While urge urinary incontinence can be treated with medication, stress urinary incontinence, prior to the breakthrough TESLA Chair, was mainly treated with a laser or an invasive surgical procedure.
Mixed Urinary Incontinence. In these patients, both stress-type and impingement-type abduction incontinence are experienced together.
Your GP should always be your first point of call. Given that this is a very common condition, most GPs are well versed in the subject, but some GPs have specialists at their practices. So, it is always best to check if there is an experienced female doctor available. In the diagnosis your detailed history will be looked at. This will include looking at the number of children you have had, whether you smoke, your weight, any current chronic diseases suffered, your occupation (whether you are involved in heavy work or not). This is because urinary incontinence can be seen more frequently in situations where there is an increased intra-abdominal pressure. For instance, if you have a chronic respiratory disease that causes coughing, your GP should be treating this first and the pressure causing urinary incontinence will be reduced. In addition, incontinence is more common in females who have an inactive sexual life. This is because sexual activity helps develop pelvic muscles in women, which in turn decreases urinary incontinence.